Thursday, November 19, 2009

Search For Church II

Round Two:
The Ridge Baptist Church
Arlington, Texas

    Well, this week we changed it up a bit. One of my friends, Barbara invited me to go to a church that she was wanting to visit as well. We wore normal clothes this time...jeans and decent shirts...because I didn't want to embarrass Barbara :) The services were held in a rented building of a business called Doogo Land...a children's play place. The church just started in April of this year.
     The Pastor greeted us before services with a large welcome. As we entered the meeting room, people just started coming up to us and introducing themselves as they welcomed us. We felt very comfortable. The Pastor (Brady) preached about Giving...not just financially, but also one's life. He did an excellent job of explaining the need to give, how/what to give, and why we should give. I was very impressed. He did an excellent job of avidly implimenting appropriate Scripture while keeping the message extremely seeker friendly. Also, rather than using the guilt tool, he chosed to show the opportunity we've been given to give back. It was a Great message.
     After services, people let us know that they hoped to see us again next week! The Pastor grabbed us before we could get out the door and told us all about the church and the people that are a part of it...AND he remembered our names! He spent nearly an hour taking to us. Then, he sent an email and thanked us for coming and offered his time to answer any questions we may have.
    I really think this may be the place for us. A place to truely worship with one another and minsiter to the community...a place to grow and learn.


Im so excited to finally be in the new place! It is so CUTE :) All those hours of packing and organizing boxes so precisely PAID OFF! It was so easy unpacking and setting up house this time...compared to last time when everything was basically slung into boxes and taken to the new apartment..thats what planning an wedding AND moving will do to ya!
Rosie had a dificult time adjusting to the new place. She barked pretty much nonstop for the first 2 DAYS! But now, she is doing MUCH BETTER! She is finally able to go outside for that she isnt a secret from the landlord ;) This means hard core potty training...She is doing pretty well...I think she's getting the hang of it! Also, she is learning new GOOD BEHAVIORS and PLAY! Such as...SIT...FETCH...COME...and she even goes up and down the flight if stairs by her self now!! That took some effort I'll tell ya!!
I can't wait to get our furniture in this Sunday!! Lawn Chairs and a blow up mattress only go so far ;) I'm going to cook Christopher's family lunch as a Thank You for helping us get moved in. They have never tried Manicotti...hope they like it...and that I dont screw it up somehow!! I've never cooked for them before...aaah! YIKES!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Search for "Church" I

     Christopher and I are on a ''project'' of sorts.  We are in search of a local church of which God would ahve us to serve.  As we are on this daunting journey...we've decided to ahve a little bit of fun and learning along the way.....muhahahahaha....

As we embark upon this adventure....there are some ground rules.
     1st ~ We must remember our motive and not get far too wrapped up in the ''fun''
     2cd ~ It is our goal to learn more...not bash the ignorant...and too smart
     3rd ~ Apply our findings into a personable experience with others
     4th ~ Prepare for our future deputation
     5th ~ Enjoy the Ride!!!

     I have personally been in hundreds upon hundreds of different churches...some large..some very small...some loud and excited...some grumpy and old...some welcoming...some like graveyards...etc...etc
With this...and the book of Acts, i have developed in my mind what the Church that Christ started should look like. Some of these afore mentioned display such characteristics...but nonwe whole....but remember who the healer of the broken is :)
     Christopher is the one who really developed "our plan"...though we ahd both discussed it extensively before.  We believe that the church is not a resting place for the Saints, but rather and hospital for sinners...which is everyone of us. We believe that a church should not hold partiality to those who may seem to have more to offer (such as the man with the gold ring...James 2). Nor should those be ignored whom seem to have less to offer.  We have as western churches become som immune to what Christ's desire for a church body is. But...that is a discussion for another time ;)

     Round one:
Walnut Ridge Baptist
Mansfield, Tx

Chris and I both wore old tshirts beat up tennis shoes and ratty jeans.
We were clean and neat...just looking poor.
oh...and no jewelry or purse...or Bible.
Also...we drove the old 98 Ford Explorer which hasnt been bathed in over a year ;)

The church building was large and new.  As we arrived, we were directed to parking spaces by friendly faced parking helpers. As we looked around, we saw only nice cars and very well dressed ''Christian Folk." I then began to notice that ALL the women had skirts and loafer type were in ties or a sport jacket and button down shirt...children in suits and Sunday mornin dresses. At this point, I wanted to tuck tail and leave. Chris offered such, but we decided that we needed to do this to learn how it feels and to better gauge the churches we are considering serving with. So, we began to approach the front door. Crowding and brushing past us were these people mentioned above. We found a seat towards the front left side...we sat down...about 10 minutes later, services started.
The song minister began leading the group in songs of reminding us of some great truths about God as our Creator and Friend...quite an amazing concept. My thoughts is that such an unfathomable concept would be expresed with great exhuberance...yet as I glanced arounf the congregation and within the expressions of the choir members..I realized that no more than a handful looked to be doing more than chanting a meaningless tune in sinc with one another in a rythmic fashion. It was really sad.  What ever happend to truely worshipping in song...does worhip die as the words fall off our lips...are these chanted words worship??? mmmhhh...anyhoo
After 7 songs sung in such dull manner, the pastor approached the plexiglass podium and introduced the topic of the day...
How ironically fantastic :)
He used the portion of Scripture in Genesis 3 where God speaks to Moses through an inconsumable burning bush. He discussed that Moses had a passion for what God told him to do...We have a mission too...straight for Jesus Christ Himself...Where's our Passion. He explained that it has been lost...simmered out...we have been consumed in self rather than a consuming fire of passion for the sthings of God.
At the end of this message, I was ready to watch the flood gates oopen and see people flocking to the alter like it was feeding time for an animal on a farm or something like that.
Nothing with the exception of some chanted verse of, "I Surrender All."
This broke my heart. To see this Pastor pouring out a feast of love, grace, and passionate duty...only to be refused.
As we walked past the crowd and squeezed out the door, we heard clamor of what each other were going to eat for lunch...cable bills...the football game that evening...etc...
nothing about the Passion the were pleaded to desire for that morning.
We left without even being greeted with the exception of the 3 old ladies we sat next to..they gave their obligatory handshake and half grins...
A few hours later, we there was a door hanger from the church with a note that said the missed us, some snack cookies, and a brocjure about their programs...thought that was a sweet effort :)
In a few weeks we will return in our fancy/conservative church clothes and see how the reaction differs...

Thursday, November 5, 2009


i posted an update of pics of rosie to the craft blog...
check em out;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's Your Direction?

I am decorating my new dining room with an Alice in Wonderland inspiration. While looking for quotes, I came across this one which struck a unique cord within me.

"...thought Alice, and she went on. "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. "I don't much care where--" said Alice. "Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat. "--so long as I get SOMEWHERE," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
From American McGee's Alice
First, I noted who Alice asked this important question to yet a stranger. She was willing to accept life altering advice from a crazy grinning fool...literally :)
Then noted was the witty reply of the cat...who actually gave no advice. Alice simply answered her own question by way of not answering it..
I also see the great connection between this and life's paths.
So often we are in a rush to get somewhere else, yet have no actual objectives in mind. We then find ourselves within the cat's reply...running fast to nowhere!
Just a thought....may develope more later ;)

The Short Version

Rosie is growing like whoa!
She received her 2cd shots....from my mil...and did not appreciate them ;)

Mom lost her job..trying to get her to Texas
I really miss having she and Blake close to me!

I am about to start working at Conns during th evenings with Chris
Cha Ching$$$

Moving in 2 Weeks!!!
I just simply can not wait to be out of the hell hole!

There was rat poop on my desk this morning!!

I'm in a funk of a mood
boo ;-(